Welcome to the only site (that I know about) for "old boys" of Wallington Independent Grammar School check the latest news here


Sadly Friends Reuinited has now closed - without It this site
would not have been possible!
This is where it all started!
Welcome to the only site (that I know about) for "old boys" of Wallington Independent Grammar School check the latest news here


Happy Christmas - listen to a  recording made of a school carol concert kindly proovided by Michael Bannister. Apologies that it has taken so long to post this - the recording is what you would expect from a portable  tape player of the era but is nonetheless a unique audio archive


added 15 Jan 2012

School Photo 2002
Click picture to see more

   wigs facebook image

 WIGS is now on Facebook - while this site will remain the archive site for the school and its history we hope the new facebook site will provide a virtual meeting place for former pupils to communicate with each other there is currently a discussion going on about holding a new reunion so please join the discussion if you can.

 Unlike this site Facebook is a dynamic environment that can keep everyone informed more quickly without the need to maintain mailing lists which rapidply go out of date.  If you dont have a facebook account already then please consider setting one up - you do not need to publish information about yourself if you dont want to and you can keep your profile private.  Thanks to John Curgenven for setting this up - you can join facebook here - you will then be able to search for the group and apply to join - it is a members only group.  You can of coures continue to use the features on this site as well

NEW - Roy Brenchley Archive - includes colour pictures not published here before.

Unfortunately Zoho Applications, which was used to provide the pupil register and Memory Lane, no longer offer a free online database.  I can leave the existing data here but you will no longer be able to add your name to the Register or submit memories.  I am also unable to edit any of the existing content.  I am looking to try and find a suitable free alternative


In our pages you will find pictures, copies of original documents, stories and above all else people you may have known with their current e-mail addresses.  So come on in and explore

Please add YOUR name to the new school register


             Clive Richards



Copyright © 2001 [WIGS Old Boys]. All rights reserved.